A small tour of our apartment…

Hi, there, Herb here. This is my second attempt to post a  new post. B still hasn’t figured everything out, and we lost our completed post. It seems to have something to do with posting pictures. So, here I go again! Really, it is time for B, to read her book Blogging for Dummies, given to her for Christmas this year by her son Paul.Image


B beginning to take pictures according to our instructions.We had to insist that she get off the computer and give us a chance to write here – fair is fair. She has been wasting time watching/listening to Youtube videos of Gordon Lightfoot all day. I believe she’s been watching mostly, and has fallen in love with the image of Lightfoot. She needs to get out of the apartment more.


We’ll be giving you a shorter version of a tour of our favourite places in the apartment

Okay here goes!


Food pantry. Always an important place in any home.



Dinner dishes.

Water dish. But B has the wrong idea, the name Prince refers more to a very large dog who slobbers, I feel.




A good spot for sunbathing. We take turns with the chair. When I want it, I jump up, and push Artie off. Being larger than him has it’s advantages.


B’s feet – not really part of the tour, but humorous we think


Artie’s fav toy, his Bizzy Ball. This also shows our tunnel, given to us by our friend, Teana. Art likes to chase this bizzy ball madly around the apartment, which can be abit annoying, but he still is a good cat.


Favourite mice sent to us by our buddy, Mr. Cheddar. Mr. Ched, is our favourite celebrity feline blogger, and as well a true Sophistocat. 🙂


Another mouse given to us by a canine friend, Allie, a very pretty Aussie. She was our neighbour at the old house, and came every evening to ask B, and our dog, Sam for a walk. I think she mistook us for sheep, and felt it was her job to check in on us every evening.


B’s favourite coffee mug, which reminds her of her Sheltie, Rocky. Rocky was my very good friend too.

We might say these favourite objects are a kind of talisman. Our friend Ms. Ger, at her blog, Take a Happy Break, recently wrote an interesting post on talismans. After some meditation on this subject we feel  a talisman can be a special object which gives comfort, and reminds us of the giver if it is a gift.So, it can be a means of lifting sad thoughts, maybe, or giving an inner smile, thinking about a person or a special time.

We have several kinds of these, as does B. Do you have special mementos or talismans around your home?


Artie has been sitting and watching me, as I type here. He’s had some good ideas, next time it will be his turn to type.


Artie decided we needed an action photo here. He’s looking in our tunnel in this picture.B couldn’t get a good one showing him running through the tunnel – something he loves doing over and over again.


Okay, time to try this again. Next time maybe we’ll be able to write more thoughtful, possibly even edifying comments, and reflections.

Herb and Art out!

Miaoowww! – er…Ciaoooow for now!

“As anyone who has ever …


“As anyone who has ever been around a cat for any length of time well knows, cats have enormous amounts of patience with the limitations of the human mind.” Cleveland Amory

Well, hi there. We’re pretty excited to be starting our new blog, Herb and Art Muse.

We are two indoor cats living with a human, we call B, and she is helping us to start up. This is new for B, as she has never used WordPress, so please bear with her.

We have been inspired to create a mouthpiece for our musings after following along with B’s two blogs, and some of her more astute blogging friends.

B says we need to keep this short and sweet, as she has work in the morning, and as well she is excited to see if the post will actually come up. We have lots of exciting ideas, such as book reviews, meditations, a look at various popular myths, and quotes about cats, such as “A cat has nine lives”. We’re  not sure who thought that up, as we know it’s absolutely not true.

We prefer to leave you with this short but lovely quote, “The smallest feline is a masterpiece.” Leonardo da Vinci ( We guess he was well qualified for such a statement.)

Herb and Art signing out.